The only known damage Ketamine is popular for is the kidneys and metabolizing the Ketamine cocentrations build up. It is also said that extreme abuse of Ketamine can cause a thickening of the bladder and blood ij the urine, but I have been doing Ketamine for years and never had any side effects. There is a factor that has not been proven know as Olney's diesease lesion's on the brain but this is a theory and never proven as far as I know. The occasional use of ketamine does not lead to prolonged harm and that any damage that might occur may be reversible when ketamine use is stopped I am known to use ketamine on a weekly basis or have Ketamine binges, your introduction to keatmine with as little as you have planned to do will have no negative side effects on your body. Ketamine is a very clean experience, much liked to your brain being sucked into a vortex a very delightful vortex, my mind usually stays cler of thought while my vision goes out the door. Do you be scared to experiment with Ketamine , but know there are issue that can arise in individuals with prolonged abuse...not short term abuse. nomad bloodbath